Answered step-by-step
Asked by Mayakuikel
Professor required- Avoid extra words that add no meaning to a sentence – ever, all, exactly, own, so, a lot, particularly, very, really, actually, always, still, possibly, truly, therefore, likely, after all, able to, and particularly. Numbers zero to nine should be written in words and 10 and above in numbers. ‘…..of a secretary/tech, 3(three) nurses and the ER doctor.’ Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items, including a comma before the ‘and’. ‘….based on this reflection, evaluation(,) and inquiry.’ Avoid the use of contractions. Don’t should be do not.
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This class presents various types of nursing theories and how the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm distinguish nursing theory from other theories we may use. Please share a nursing theory that you have found to be helpful to you in practice. Why is this nursing theory meaningful to you? Feel free to share an example of how this theory guides your practice as a nurse.