Answered step-by-step
Asked by Chloedarling
Reply to this post giving an account of advantages of a life review.
Life review was first introduced by Butler in 1963, he proposed that life review is a natural process which we all resort to when we are approaching the end of our lives. He defined life review as a natural event in which an individual recalls his/her past experiences, evaluates them, and analyzes them in order to achieve a more profound self-concept (Butler, 1963).  Life review addresses the subjects which, due to unresolved conflicts, are hard for a person to analyze alone without feeling upset, disgusted, or guilty (Butler, 1963). The roots of life review lie in Erickson’s developmental theory, in which, at the eight stages, an individual tries to achieve integrity (Watt, 2000). When I think about the process of this therapy, I can see the importance of it. Aging and approaching death can be very traumatic for the person and their families and I understand how this therapy would help with accepting the inevitable. Nurses help patients that are dealing with the dying process daily and knowing that this therapy is available is beneficial to me. Especially for patients who are not what we consider of and old age but facing a terminal illness. I can see how this will be very helpful for them and your families.
Aging is defined as a complex set of physical, emotional, and social changes that contribute to increased risk for health problems and functional decline (Clark, 2015). The theory of aging is a theoretical perspective of over three hundred perspectives. They are divided into three categories biological, psychological, and sociological perspectives. The biological perspectives focus on the biological makeup of the person and their DNA traits, neurological makeup, cell metabolism, energy consumption, and how the cells reproduce. The psychological stage changes that occur with age and propose that effective aging requires development of effective coping strategies over time (Clark, 2015). Sociological theory of aging focuses on changes in roles and relationships that occur with advancing age and are strongly influenced by culture values and attitudes toward the aged and aging (Fung, 2013) These theories and preferences are broken down by age and different categories over the life span. The categories are broken down to subcategories the are age and behavioral specific.