
Answered step-by-step
Asked by AdmiralBadger1971




A cross-sectional study was conducted to identify risk factors for hypertension within a patient population. Individuals in the Heart study were selected at random from a population of patients within one urban hospital system. Data were extracted from patients’ medical records; values from the most recent primary care visit were used.


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The Heart data (Excel) has 5,209 observations. Your task is to determine risk factors for High Blood pressure among this population. Your outcome, or dependent, variable is BP_Level and the remaining variables are exposure factors, or independent variables. The dataset has the following variables:

BP_Level: Blood pressure defined as Normal or High
Smoke: Yes=current smoker No=Non-Smoker
Chol_Level: Blood cholesterol level defined as Normal or High
Sex: Sex as provided by patient Male or Female
BMI: Patient BMI as defined by ((weight in pounds) / (height in inches)2) * 703, a numeric, continuous variable
Cholesterol: measured cholesterol level, a numeric, continuous variable
Smoking per day: Number of cigarettes smoked per day (0=non-smoker)), a numeric variable
Weight Status: As defined by BMI (20=Underweight; 20-24 Normal;)>=25 Overweight
Smoking status: defined by number of cigarettes smoked per day

You should include, at minimum:

Exploratory analysis
Construct a table to summarize the exploratory analysis and at least one figure.
Plan and conduct tests for associations between at least 3 exposure factors (independent variables) and the outcome (dependent variable) in the entire study population. Tests you might consider include t-tests and chi-square tests.
Test for associations stratified by Sex.
Construct one or two tables to summarize the results from steps 2 and 3.
Construct at least one graph using a ‘Graph’ task.
Optional challenge: multivariate analysis / adjustment for confounders.
Draft and submit an abstract with the following:
The research question and hypothesis.
Summary of the methods.
Summary of the results of the descriptive and analytic analyses.
If you did not adjust for confounders, discuss potential confounders here.
Interpretation, limitations, and public health application of the results. Be sure to review the introduction as you think about interpretation and limitations.


PBH 616


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