Answered step-by-step
Asked by leslieygordon
Chapter 21: Assessment of Cardiac FunctionÂ
1. Turbulent blood flow caused by a narrowed or malfunctioning valve is called aÂ
__________, which can be heard during auscultation of the heart.Â
2. The apical impulse, formerly called the__________________________ (_____), isÂ
normally palpable at the intersection of the ____________________ ofÂ
the_______________and at the ___________________space.Â
3. During_________________systole, contraction of the_______________________causesÂ
the ____________________ to become taut, keeping the _______________Â
approximated and closed.Â
4. An elevated blood level of the amino acid homocysteine is believed to indicate a highÂ
risk for coronary artery disease.Â
• True
• FalseÂ
5. During diastole, the tricuspid, and mitral valves are __________, allowingÂ
______________ to flow freely into ___________________.Â
• True
• FalseÂ
6. The S1 heart sound results from ___________ of the _________ and ______________.Â
7. __________________ changes are recommended to lower cholesterol levels.Â
8. Orthostatic, also known as _______________ hypotension, is a sustained decrease of atÂ
least ____ mm Hg in ________ BP or ______ mm Hg in __________ BP within ___Â
minutes of moving from a ______ or ________ to a ___________ position.Â
9. The sinoatrial (SA) node, with an inherent firing rate of ____ to ____ impulses/min, isÂ
considered the __________________ of the heart.
10. The patient undergoing nuclear imaging techniques with stress testing should beÂ
instructed not to eat or drink anything for at least ______ hours before the test.Â
NURS 204