Answered step-by-step
Asked by sunbey4real
Research Article Critique, Part One
Barriers to Asthma Management as Identified by School Nurses
(Quaranta & Spencer, 2016)
1.      Which choices below best reflect the problem statement for the instructor-assigned article?
              a.   Asthma disproportionally impacts school age children.
b.   No studies were found that identified the association of these barriers with actual performance of asthma management behaviors.
c.   School nurses who lacked confidence in their teaching abilities declined conducting asthma education.
d.   Students who were taught asthma management by school nurses had better outcomes.Â
2.    Which of the choices below best reflects the purpose statement for the instructor assigned article?
a.      It is unclear why asthma rates are increasing.
b.     The need for asthma interventions is reinforced through several national initiatives.Â
c.      The present study examined the barriers to asthma management and their impact on actual performance of asthma management behaviors by the school nurse, asthma self-efficacy, asthma attitude, and the ratings of importance of asthma management behaviors.
d.     A descriptive correlational design was used to investigate relationships of interest in this study.
3. According to Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015), which of the following statements are important when considering the significance and relevance of a study’s problem and purpose? (Select all that apply.)
a.      Does it predict the non-significant findings anticipated in the study?
b.     Does it consider ethical principles in its design?
c.      Does it specifically influence nursing education in university settings?
d.     Does it identify the future research to be generated by the study?
e.     Does it promote theory testing or development?
f.       Does it identify extraneous variables?
4. When considering the feasibility of a study’s problem and purpose, Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015) suggest that several areas should be evaluated, including: researcher expertise, money commitment, ethical considerations, and availability of subjects, facilities, and equipment.  Which of the following statements accurately assesses the feasibility of this article?  (Select all that apply)
a.      Funding sources for the study were clearly identified in the article.
b.     The author’s credentials to design and conduct research are described.
c.      Evidence of protection of the subjects’ rights was mentioned in this article.
d.     100% of the eligible subjects contacted participated in the study.
Questions 5 – 7: Review of the Literature. (For help with these questions, refer to chapters 6 & 12.)
5.  According to Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015), which one of the following is NOT a major purpose of the review of literature (ROL):
a.      Describing the current knowledge of the practice problem
b.     Identifying gaps in the knowledge base of the practice problem
c.      Explaining how the current study contributes to the knowledge being built
d.     To explain the reasons behind the selection of the statistics used in the study.
6.  Select three MAJOR topics covered in the review of literature (ROL) from the list below:
a.   Asthma disproportionally impacts school age children.
b.   A descriptive correlational design was used to investigate relationships of interest in this study.
c.   This study extends the understanding of this issue by focusing on the impact of barriers on school nurse performance of asthma management behaviors.
d.   Inclusion criteria was school members that should be members of NASN.
e.   The need for asthma interventions is reinforced through several national initiatives.
f.    Barriers confronting school nurses in performing asthma management behaviors have been identified by many researchers.
7. Current knowledge in the review of literature (ROL) (all information included before the “Methods”) is considered to be articles that are within 5 years of the publication date of the article. This is often assessed by reviewing the citations that are used in the ROL and counting the number that meet this criterion.  Which number below most closely reflects the number of current citations in the ROL? (HINT-look for references in the ROL that are between 2016-2012.)
a.      5
b.     10
c.      15
d.     20
Questions 8 – 10: Study Framework. (For help with these questions, refer to chapters 7 & 12)
8.  Which one of these statements best describes this study’s research framework?
            a.   This study has an implicit framework, which is not fully developed.
            b.   The health belief model was chosen to gain an understanding of barriers school nurses experience when performing asthma management behaviors.
            c.  The authors developed the study’s theoretical framework based on Murphy and Fitzsimons (2004)
                  intervention study to determine nurses’ performance of school age student-empowerment.
            d.  Barriers confronting school nurses in performing asthma management behaviors have been identified by many researchers.
9.  What are some of the key concepts in this study’s theoretical framework?
a.      This study does not have any clearly defined concepts within a framework because it has an implicit framework.
b.     Application of this model in this study focused on the provision of care by a health provider rather than the individual taking action.
c.      The role of the school nurse in asthma management has been delineated.
10.  Which one of the statements below is an example of a relational statement from the theoretical framework?
a.      This study does not have any clearly defined relational statements because it has an implicit framework.
b.     An individual is likely to take action if the believe an action will reduce a health risk, that they are susceptible to a health issue, and that the health issue could have serious consequences.
c.      Patients shift to self-management as they experience empowerment by the school nurse.
Questions 11 – 15:Â Research objectives, questions, or hypotheses and research variables. (For help with these questions, refer to chapters 5 & 12)
11.  On page 367, the authors state that the first research objective, question, or hypothesis was: ” Is there a relationship between barriers present in the school setting and school nurse performance of asthma management behaviors?”
This is best described as a
a.      Research objective
b.     Research question
c.      Research hypothesis
d.     None of the above
12.  Which of these are considered to be MAJOR study variables in this study. (Select all that apply)
a.      asthma attitude
b.     psychological stress
c.      barriers to asthma management
d.     asthma self-efficacy
e.     functional health status
 13.   What is the conceptual definition (as defined in the review of the literature) of the following study
          variable: asthma self efficacy
              a.  School nurses who have or lack confidence in their teaching ability.
              b.  Asthma is more disruptive of the school routine than other chronic diseases. Â
              c.  Students who were taught asthma management by school nurses had better outcomes.
d.  The conceptual definition of asthma self-efficacy is not clearly provided in the review of the literature.