Answered step-by-step
Asked by CommodoreCrocodile953
1. Rebecca Newhart is 97 years of age and has diabetes, emphysema, and congestive heart failure. She has had both legs amputated because of gangrene and is emphatic that no resuscitation be used when her “time” comes. A DNR order has been written.
a. Will the EMS system be activated if she ceases to breathe?
b. How does this make you feel?
2. As a nursing assistant in a long-term care facility, you will likely assist residents with getting into and out of bed, chairs, and wheelchairs on a regular basis. When doing so, you will frequently, but not always, use a transfer belt.
 Explain the circumstances under which you should and should not use a transfer belt when transferring a resident, and why.
3. Describe four ways to help a resident who has had a leg amputated keep from developing hip flexion contractures.
NUR 260