Answered step-by-step
Asked by MagistrateOxideSeaUrchin32
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You are completing your second round of observations and a comprehensive A-H assessment. You document the following
results Airway Guedel airway insitu Breathing Spontaneous breathing RR 22bpm SPO2 96% 6L via Hudson mask Circulation BP
142/95 Pulse 95bpm, IDC 100mls drainage Disability V – response to voice Exposure 35.6c 2x Blake drains with addi… Show more
Informed by the above information, intraoperative and anaesthetic handovers and patient background information explain a nursing diagnosis identifying your priority nursing concern for Mrs Nidhi. Provide a rationale.
Discuss your action plan and nursing goals to manage the identified priority nursing concern and how you could determine that the patient’s condition had improved. Support your answer using evidence-based literature.
Health 92341