
Asked by KidMask13106

Step 1 Complete a table that lists the functions of medical office equipment and supplies.

Based on what you read in this lesson, complete a table that outlines the following:

Names of at least four pieces of medical office equipment or supplies
Functions of the medical equipment or supplies
How each function of equipment and supplies benefits the medical office
How the medical assistant uses each piece of equipment and supply

Step 2 Write a statement about the benefits of maintaining an inventory system.

In the same document you used to create the table for Step 1, write at least a paragraph and no more than a page explaining the benefits of maintaining an inventory system.

Step 3 Access the handout and read the Scenario.

Lesson 2 Discussion Forum Handout: Equipment Records, Supplies, and Drug Samples Management A

Dealing with Samples 

Carl is working in a busy medical clinic along with Rita, another Medical Assistant. Pharmaceutical representatives bring samples of drugs to their doctors for distribution to the patients. Carl walks into the room to find Rita going through the samples in the drug supply cupboard. When Carl asks her what she is doing, Rita tells him, “I’m taking some of these new antibiotic samples. I like to keep them on hand at home in case one of my kids gets sick.”

Question: What should Carl say to Rita about taking the medication?

Your answer:

Question: Is it legal for Rita to take the antibiotics? Is it ethical?

Your answer:

Step 4 Respond to the questions in the handout.

Based on what you read in this lesson, respond to the associated question for this scenario.

Step 5 Access the handout and read the second scenario.

Equipment Records, Supplies, and Drug Samples Management B

Maintaining the Equipment 

Casey Smalls, CMA, has been employed for several years with Dr. Wright, an optometrist. Casey began working in the back office, where he would pretest patients, and give instruction on eye care, glasses, and contacts. There are several machines Casey was responsible for calibrating and maintaining a log for. Casey would clean the machines nightly and calibrate them weekly. He would also run weekly spore checks on the autoclave machines and maintained logs for medications and fire extinguishers. He would also dispose of expired medication and rotate stock when new medications arrived. 

When a position in the front office became available, Casey thought he might like the change of duties. He applied for the front office position and was accepted. Casey was very excited with his new job description and couldn’t wait to get started. Casey trained his replacement in the back office for two weeks and left detailed instructions on the position.

Two months later, Casey’s replacement leaves the practice. Casey is somewhat happy; he has missed his old position and the interaction he had with the patients. It is a couple more weeks before he can move to the back office; he must first train his replacement for the front office. Upon re-entering his old position, Casey realizes his replacement has not kept up on any of the maintenance logs. None of the machines have been calibrated, the fire extinguishers have not been checked, and the autoclave machine hasn’t had a spore check in over 3 months.

Question: What should Casey do next?

Your Answer: 

Question: What should Casey do if he finds an error with one of the machines?

Your Answer: 

Step 6 Respond to the questions in the handout.

Based on what you read in this lesson, respond to the associated question for this scenario.

Step 7 Answer the questions about the two scenarios.

Open the handout in a word processor (such as MS Word) and write your answers to the questions about the two scenarios that you just read.

Step 8 Post the results of your activities to the discussion board.

Post the table of the functions of medical equipment and supplies, your statement of the benefits of an inventory system, and your responses to the scenario questions about equipment maintenance and drug samples to the discussion board.





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