Answered step-by-step
Asked by sawm7
A 57-year-old woman was dismissed from employment. When she was dismissed, the manager advised the woman that the business wanted to portray a certain image, and the woman didn’t fit that image. The business had been recently employing young staff. The manager offered to look for work for the woman in other locations of the business. The woman also alleged that in front of other employees, the manager had said he wanted to make the place ‘bop’ and employ some young people he knew.
1. What cue indicates this situation is related to discrimination?
“The business had been recently employing young staff.”
“The woman didn’t fit a certain image.”
“The manager offered to look for work for the woman in other locations of the business.”
  “The manager had said he wanted to make the place ‘bop’ and employ some young people he knew.”
2. What statement(s) indicates the woman’s dismissal was not related to job performance? Select all that apply.
  “The manager offered to look for work for the woman in other locations of the business.”
  “The woman didn’t fit a certain image.”
  “The business had been recently employing young staff.”
  “The manager had said he wanted to make the place ‘bop’ and employ some young people he knew.”
3. [A]discrimination is likely the type of discrimination in play with this case study.   Select your response from the word list below.
No discrimination
4. What are potential solutions for this woman to resolve this situation? Select all that apply.
  Take the case to court on the basis of discrimination
  Accept the manager’s decisions and a new position in another area of the business
  Take early retirement and leave the business
  Take the situation to the administrative level and air her grievances
5. What are interventions that could be undertaken to minimize this type of situation in the future? Select all that apply.
Revise job descriptions that indicate requirements as to unmodifiable qualities for each position
  Updating of policies regarding employment/hiring practices
Only hire people that fit the business ‘image’ long-term
  Education of staff and administration on discrimination and prevention
Develop policies that identify what types of people the business will not employ (i.e., gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, etc.)
6. The manager stated the woman was dismissed because of work performance issues. What statement conflicts with the manager’s claim?
“The manager had said he wanted to make the place ‘bop’ and employ some young people he knew.”
“The business had been recently employing young staff.”
“The woman didn’t fit a certain image.”
  “The manager offered to look for work for the woman in other locations of the business.”