Asked by Alyzaservida
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Case Study 3 – Mrs. Butler Mrs. Butler is a 71-year-old woman who is admitted to the
medical-surgical unit after having a right hip replacement surgery done. She is currently
post-operative day 2 and is just starting to transfer out of bed and weight be… Show more
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Additional information: Intake & Output Record Patient Name: Butler, A. Date:
November 28th OUTPUT Time 0800 250ml coffee 1100 300ml apple juice 1400 250ml
coffee – 200ml light yellow – 300ml light yellow 200ml amber – 350ml light y… Show more
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m —–——– Vital Signs: — 0830 —___E_ Blood Pressure 110/78 118/82 114/80 112/82
36.5C 35.7c 35.9(2 35.7c Respiratory Rate By using the provided ‘Care Plan Template’,
work through the nursing process to develop a plan of care for this patient.
SBI4U 211