
Answered step-by-step
Asked by harrybear1998

Erin, 15, and Craig, 16, have had sexual intercourse several times, and now Erin has discovered that she is two month’s pregnant. Erin’s mother, Angela, has very conservative views about abortion, and she does not want her daughter to have an abortion. Neither, however, does Angela wish to raise or help Erin to raise the child. Instead, Angela wants Erin to go through with the pregnancy and give the child to an adoption agency. Erin’s father, Gordon, wants Erin to have an abortion because he knows that Erin is a good student and is interested in pursuing a career in law. Gordon is concerned that the pregnancy will take its toll on Erin both physically and emotionally, and he is concerned that this pregnancy will significantly affect Erin’s education and future prospects in a professional career. Craig, who wants to be an engineer, also wants Erin to have an abortion, and he is willing to see to it that all of her expenses are paid. Erin herself is unsure about what she should do. She shares some of her mother’s misgivings about abortion, and she knows that she does in fact want to be a mother at some point. Erin has visited the abortion clinic to discuss the abortion procedure and cost. They have been very helpful and supportive. Erin is still not sure what she should do.       


Drawing upon the views and arguments covered in this unit, identify the relevant ethical issues and challenges in this case study. What do you think Erin should do and why?

Before attempting to answer the questions, identify the following aspects of the case: the major agents in the case (patients, medical personnel, and others), the major facts of the case, the major moral issue raised, how each agent responds to the moral issue in the case, and the moral principles used by the agents to support their position on the issue, if stated. 

Now consider the following: what resolution would each of the moral principles (for example, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice) in the case suggest? Are the principles in conflict?



PHIL 335


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