Answered step-by-step
Asked by MagistrateWillpower8588
Daniel Miller is a 41-year-old male who was brought into the emergency department and then admitted to the medical intensive care unit after being found unconscious in his apartment. He spent one day in the intensive care unit and was then transferred to the psychiatric unit for further treatment. He is currently on a diazepam taper to prevent withdrawal seizures. He is not actively participating in group therapy, but he does come and sit behind the group, not making much eye contact or speaking during the session. He looks sad and his affect is flat. You enter Daniel Miller’s room, introduce yourself, and sit down next to him. The patient is lying in bed, head down, making no eye contact. His hair is disheveled and you wait silently until he raises his head and says “hi.” You smile and ask him how he is feeling this morning. Mr. Miller states, “I’m ok, but I’m not sleeping well and I feel tired all the time.”Â
His previous hand tremors have ceased, and he shows no signs or symptoms of withdrawal. His skin is warm and dry.Â
Document your focused assessment findings.Â
BSN 346