Answered step-by-step
Asked by Sofianaaaa
Know what signs and symptoms would indicate that a ventilated patient needs suctioning. Know how to suction an intubated patient. Know how long and what to do if the patient indicates signs of distress during suctioning.Â
Know how to verify that an intubation attempt was successful and the endotracheal tube is in place.Â
Understand that increased work of breathing or rate of breathing is an early indication of respiratory distress.Â
Know what to do if an intubated patients endotracheal tube gets dislodged.
Know what treatments we do for shock patients. IE fluids, blood, medications ect. Also know how to tell if they are working or not.
Know what the pulmonary wedge pressure is and what it means when it is high or low.Â
Look at the signs and symptoms of the different kinds of shock and be able to identify the differences between them. Also know the stages and the differences between them.Â
Low urine output=BAD
Normal Urine output=GoodÂ
High Urine output=Might be good or might be bad.
Remember to check the residual GI content every 4-6 hours for a patient with a PEG tube receiving feedings.Â
Remember that oxygen is a potent vasoconstrictor. Shock patients typically need vasoconstriction. 1+2=3
 Know what the different parts of the swan ganz cath are and what they measure. Also know what that measurement means.Â
Remember this is critical care. We care more about MAP in critical patients.Â
Make sure you are familiar with the different abbreviations for cardiac. IE CO=cardiac output, SV, PWAP, CVP, SVR ect.
Know what a balloon pump does. What are indications for it? Contraindications?