Answered step-by-step
Asked by MinisterMoonLapwing12
As you mentioned, there are legitimate deterrents that stand in the way of purchasing high-quality, low-calorie foods.  You said it, quality food security is the issue! We have an abundance of high energy-dense high caloric nonperishable foods, however, we need higher fiber, fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains which certainly tend to be perishable in nature but mean greater satiety and less binge eating on empty calories. Another challenge is these foods require a change in pallet from refined high sugar to a more natural bland approach. We have been socialized to crave sugar and salt which were truly initially meant to preserve foods and now they’ve become a necessity for the satisfaction of food.
I agree CHNs are positioned to provide education on quality nutrition. Can you think of a community venue where a CHN could set up an educational outreach for their community?