
Answered step-by-step
Asked by misbago

Mr. McCannon, a 82-year old male, presents to the Emergency Department (ED) with urinary hesitancy and burning and a fever at home of 101.8°F.  His caregiver states “he just doesn’t seem like himself”.


What initial nursing assessments need to be performed for Mr. McCannon?


Upon further assessment, Mr. McCannon is weak, his skin is warm and dry, and his face is flushed. He is oriented to person and place, but states the year is 1947. His vital signs were:


BP 98/63 mmHg 


HR 94 bpm and regular 


RR 29 bpm 


SpO2 92% on Room Air


Temp 38.9°C


Ht 170.4 cm


Wt 61 kg 



What diagnostic tests should be ordered for Mr. McCannon?


What nursing actions would you take at this time for Mr. McCannon Why?




The ED provider orders the following:

Bloodwork – CBC, BMP, ABG, Lactic Acid, Blood Cultures x 2
Urine Tests – Urinalysis, Urine Culture
Diagnostics – CXR (chest x-ray), KUB (x-ray of kidneys, ureters, and bladder)
Nasal Cannula to keep SpO2> 92%
Meds – 1L Normal Saline bolus IV x 1, now.  1,500 mg Vancomycin IVPB x 1 dose, now



Which order should you implement first? Why?



Which order should you implement first? Why?

All blood and urine tests are completed and you initiate the fluid bolus for Mr. McCannon You are still waiting for the Vancomycin to arrive from the pharmacy. You notice he is more drowsy. He is now only oriented to self and feels warmer. You take another set of vital signs to find the following:

BP 85/49 mmHg MAP 62 mmHg

HR 107 bpm Temp 39.3°C

RR 35 bpm SpO2 87% on Room Air


Mr. McCannon lab results have also resulted, the following abnormal values were reported:

WBC 22,000 / mcL Lactic Acid 3.6 mmol/L

pH 7.22 pCO2 30 mmHg

HCO3 16 mEq/L pO2 64 mmHg

Urine Cloudy with sediment



What action(s) should you take at this time? Why? 



What orders do you anticipate for Mr. McCannon? (procedures, meds, transfer, etc?)






Mr. McCannon responds well to the first liter of fluids, and antibiotics are initiated within an hour of arrival. The ED physicians place an arterial line and central line to initiate vasopressors. They order a Norepinephrine infusion to be titrated to keep MAP > 65 mmHg. The Critical Care team asks you to prepare the patient for transfer to the ICU.

Art. Line BP 82/48 mmHg MAP 58 mmHg

HR 122 bpm CVP 4 mmHg

RR 32 bpm SVR 640 dynes/sec/m-5
SpO2 90% on Room Air


What, physiologically, is going on with Mr. McCannon?

What explanation or education topics would you want to provide to the patient and his caregiver before discharge?






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