Asked by quant12
Value: 50%
Read: Your textbook chapters and other required readings as outlined in Modules 1 and 2 and the Reading List for the subject.Â
Prepare: Complete learning activities in Modules 1 and 2 and post your responses and reflections on the discussion board to get feedback from the teaching staff and your peers as your ideas develop. Completing this step will best position you to develop a high-quality information package.Â
Present: You will develop an information package in a format of your choosing. The audience in this scenario is a group of your future colleagues in a Health service (for example, Medical or Research Laboratory, Allied Health service, Community Health organisation, or hospital setting).
Your information package will address the following prompts:Â
An outline of your audience (eg. Hospital/ Occupational Therapist; Medical Lab/Biomedical Scientist, etc) and your own positioning.
How has ‘racial science’ influenced the institutions and systems (including health systems) that structure Australian society?
What are social determinants of health and how do they impact on the health of Indigenous Australians?
Consider Indigenous Australian perspectives on health and well-being to reflect on how contemporary health practices can be guided by these perspectives when delivering health services as a health professional. Consider both individual and institutional/professional practices.
Written packages should be 1600 words count.
All Information Packages must include references within the document/presentation and in a Reference List
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
be able to describe, analyse and theorise individual and collective standpoint in relation to Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples’ historical experiences of the health professions.
be able to investigate, compare and reflect on health practices and the social determinants of health for Indigenous Australians.
be able to critically reflect on historical and socio-economic factors that frame Indigenous Australian peoples health and critique deficit paradigms and their impact on health service provision to Indigenous Australians.
be able to critically examine how the invention of racial science influences historical and contemporary structures of Australian society and its health institutions.
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the significance of Indigenous Australian perspectives on health and wellbeing through reflection on contemporary Australian health practice and service delivery.
High Distinction
43 -50
38 – 42
33 – 37
25 – 32Â
Describes standpoint in relation to Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples’ historical experiences of the health professions.
10 marks
The format of the Information Package emerges from the professional context. Reflexively examines standpoint to position themselves in relation to the audience and profession using their baseline positioning from assessment 1 and their learning in the subject so far. Â Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the required readings. The format of the Information Package is influenced by the professional context.
Critically reflects on standpoint to position themselves in relation to the audience and profession using their baseline positioning from assessment 1. Demonstrated understanding and application of the required readings is evident.
 The way the audience is outlined is linked to the format of the Information Package. Reflects on standpoint to position themselves in relation to the audience and profession. Engagement with the required readings is evident in the application of concepts.
 Outlines the audience to contextualise the Information Package. Broadly reflects on own standpoint to position themselves in relation to the audience.  Applies concepts from the subject readings.
Does not outline the audience to contextualise the presentation. Does not reflect on own standpoint to position themselves in relation to the audience.Â
Does not apply concepts from the subject readings.Â
Critically examines how the invention of racial science influences historical and contemporary structures of Australian society and its health institutions.
10 marks
Critical examination links the invention of racial science to colonial domination and the impact on the structures of Australian society including its health institutions.Â
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the required readings.
Links the historical to the contemporary in a balanced and critical examination of the structures of Australian society and its health institutions. Demonstrated understanding and application of the required readings is evident. Definition of ‘race’ is used to critically examine Australian society both historically and in the present. Both colonisation and colonialism are explained. Â Engagement with the required readings is evident in the application of concepts.
Defines ‘race’. Â Critically examines how ‘race’ influences Australian society including health institutions through an examination of colonialism. Applies concepts from the subject readings.
‘Race’ is not defined. No explanation of how ‘race’ influences Australian society including health institutions. Colonialism is not explained.Â
Does not apply concepts from the subject readings.Â
Investigates, compares and reflects on the social determinants of health and health practices and how they impact on the health of Indigenous Australians.Â
10 marks
A framework for social determinants of health are investigated and links to health practices and the impacts on the health of Indigenous Australians is explained in a well synthesised way. Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the required readings. Social determinants of health are explored in detail through the use of examples, and a link to health practices and impacts on the health of Indigenous Australians is developed. Individual and institutional racism are linked to the Social Determinants of Health. Demonstrated understanding and application of the required readings is evident. Social determinants of health are explored through the use of broad examples and a link to health practices and impacts on the health of Indigenous Australians is developed. Individual or institutional racism is considered. Engagement with the required readings is evident. Engagement with the required readings is evident in the application of concepts. Social determinants of health are identified and a link is established to health practices and impacts on the health of Indigenous Australians.  Broad link to how racism might contribute to social determinants of health is established.  Applies concepts from the subject readings. Social determinants of health are not defined and / or a link is not established to impacts on the health of Indigenous Australians. Presents irrelevant or inaccurate
 ideas. Key detail missing. Does not apply concepts from the subject readings.
Demonstrates an understanding of Indigenous Australian perspectives on health and well-being through reflection on contemporary Australian health practice and service delivery.
10 marks
Indigenous Australian
peoples’ perspectives on
health and well-being are considered to reflexively critique contemporary Australian health practice and service delivery. Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the required readings and prioritises Indigenous perspectives.
  Indigenous Australian
peoples’ perspectives on
 health and well-being are considered to critically examine contemporary Australian health practice and service delivery. Diversity of perspectives and experiences informs the explanation. Demonstrated understanding and application of the required readings is evident. Indigenous Australian peoples’ perspectives on health and well- being are considered to examine contemporary Australian health practice and service delivery. Diversity of perspectives and experiences is noted. Engagement with the required readings is evident in the application of concepts.Â
Outlines broad and relevant content on Indigenous Australian peoples’ perspectives on health and well-being to reflect on contemporary Australian health practice and service delivery. Applies concepts from the subject readings.
Does not outline Indigenous Australian
peoples’ perspectives on
health and well-being and how these perspectives contribute to the current health status of Indigenous Australian people. Presents
irrelevant or inaccurate
ideas. Key detail missing. Does not apply concepts from the subject readings.
Uses formal language and fulfills the technical aspects of the task
10 marksÂ
Information is presented creatively, and clearly, with use of multiple modes of communication to support audience/reader engagement, in the time frame/word allowance provided. Evidence of consideration of appropriate format for information. Content shows control and skillful construction of expression to convey specific understandings. Seamlessly integrates citations and referencing into content. Sources are relevant, reliable, and from varied sources. All language and terminology use is appropriate and informed. Information is presented creatively, and clearly, with use of multiple modes of communication, in the time frame/word allowance provided. expression and referencing show clear organisation. Uses a variety of techniques to incorporate source material and citations. Language and terminology choices allow for diversity and do not generalise Indigenous people or cultures. Information is presented creatively, and clearly, in the time frame/word allowance provided. There are few errors relating to writing and references. Uses formal expression consistently without errors. There are no imprecise or unsupported statements or generalisations. Uses the APA reference system without error. Any racial or historical terms used are accompanied by an explanation. Demonstrates professional health practice communication. If the Package is in any format other than written, the written component is copied into Turnitin. Information is presented clearly, in the time frame/word allowance provided.  There are few errors, attempt is made to demonstrate an awareness of professional health practice communication by avoiding common terminology issues. Use clear formal written expression with fewer than 6 instances of slang, contractions, spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Content is accurate and supported. Ideas supported by required readings and/or relevant academic sources.  Shows judgement in choosing reliable, relevant, academic sources of information. Uses the APA (7th) referencing system; there may be some errors however there is consistency in approach. Within specified word count/time limit. Uses at least 6 peer-reviewed sources in total, with at least 4 required readings.
There is no written component in Turnitin if the Package is in any format other than written. There are serious errors.
 Informal, unclear or inappropriate expression is evident and there are more than 6 instances of slang, contractions, spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Information is not presented clearly. Lacking consideration of appropriate format for information.   Lack of demonstrated professional communication.
No engagement with required readings and/or relevant academic sources. Â APA referencing is not used. Referencing style is inconsistent showing a lack of understanding of its purpose. Content is inaccurate and/or unsupported. There is evidence of unacknowledged sources or plagiarism. Direct use of module content is evident. More than 10% – or + the specified word count/time limit. Less than 1500 words/15 minutes.
IKC 100