Answered step-by-step
Asked by ithullah
Answers to Case Study on DIC 1. Lab results indicate DIC : Normal Mrs. Barrow Hemoglobin 11-14 Now 7 decreased Platelets *400,000 Now 100,00 decreased Prothrombin time 11-15 seconds Now 18 sec. = prolonged PTT 40-60 seconds Now 82 sec = prolonged Fibrinogen 200-400 mg / dl Now 120 mg g / d * l = decreased D-Dimer absent , no fragments present Now = present FSP absent, no products present Now = present 2. The data includes : a. Level of consciousness changes , irritability b. Abnormal vital signs indicating hypovolemia c. Bleeding from gums d. Bleeding from incision site/ IV site e. Petechiae under B / P cuff f. Hematuria (rose colored urine) 3. The major goal is stabilization of hypovolemic shock. Other goals are to identify and removal of the triggering event, and deliver the baby if DIC occurs prior to delivery. 4. Major nursing interventions include : a . Monitoring of vital signs b. Administration of blood products and IV fluids (cryoprecipitate, fresh frozen plasma, RBC’s, platelets c. Assessment of pulse oximetry d. Record intake and output 5. Heparin is used in treatment of DIC to stop the marked coagulation so that coagulation factors can be freed and restore normal clotting function . 6. Complications of DIC are: multisystem organ failure from formation of emboli intracranial hemorrhage
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