Answered step-by-step
Asked by sittomegan
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Elderly Deprescribing Case Study Mr. Frank Festivus is a 79 year old Caucasian male
accompanied by his son. He lives alone and his son talks to his father daily by phone, and
visits him twice weekly (usually on the weekends) . Mr. Festivus admits to no… Show more
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Allergies/Intolerances Lisinopril (cough), penicillin (rash) Review of Systems Notable for
dizziness/lightheadedness and 3 falls without injury in the last 3 months. Recent loss of
appetite per son. Exam is notable for sitting BP 124/64 (HR 54 bpm) and sta… Show more
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Answer the following questions FULLY in paragraph format. 1) 2) 4) 5) 6) Identify PIMS
(potentially inappropriate meds) and rationale. With each PIM, discuss indications for use,
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, including drug to drug interactio… Show more
NUR 5800