Answered step-by-step
Asked by ayherrejon
True or False for the following:
1. Some infections harm only by competing for nutrients.
2. Antigenic shift in a pathogen may result in a new pandemic
3. Measles is less infectious than the smallpox and polio viruses.
4. Unfortunately, the structure of the 1918 influenza strain is not known.
5. Eradication efforts are more often delayed by human than by agent biology.
6 .CD8+ T-cell count increases in viral infection as these lymphocytes can kill virus containing cells.
7. Cholera is a likely candidate for eradication because humans are the only reservoir.
8. Cytokines are proteins secreted by activated monocytes and macrophages.
9. Outbreak investigations usually conclude by identifying the mode of transmission.
10. MHC class II molecules are present on antigen presenting cells.
BIO 123