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Asked by needhelp2023
N.A. is a Hispanic male, age 7, who presents to the outpatient clinic for evaluation with his parents, for complaints of impulsivity, inattention, irritability with increased psychomotor activity. At school, his teacher reports that he has difficulty with sitting during the lesson, he makes inappropriate outbursts during class, requiring frequent redirection and reminders to stay on task and does not properly complete his class and homework assignments. At home, while with his family, during game night, N.A. often becomes frustrated when he is losing and has trouble waiting his turn to play the game. He also has difficulties at home with following routines and remembering instructions to complete his chores. After N.A.’s teacher and parents were given the Vanderbilt ADHD assessment for completion, both his teacher and parents scored the assessment with mostly 2’s and 3’s (which is “often” and “very often”). They both scored all the Performance section of the assessment as “problematic.” NA’s mother recalled that his disruptive behavior started when he was in preschool at age 4.
5. Discuss the most common side effects of stimulant medications?
6. If the patient was experiencing side effects related to the medication what would be your first course of action?
7. Discuss the laws in your state surrounding prescriptive authority related to stimulant medications.
8. Discuss the laws and regulations in your state regarding prescribing stimulant medications via telemedicine.
NU 741