Answered step-by-step
Asked by Domer2000
1. A 16 year old male patient presents with 3 cm laceration to left lower leg which will require suturing. The wound was cleaned with chlorhexidine. You instruct the nurse to irrigate with _____ CC of NS, pull up ____________ for anesthetization of the wound area. You request a laceration tray, gloves and a ________ (size/kind) of suture. (3 points)
2. A 4 year old child presents with 2 cm laceration to forehead where she fell and hit the edge of the coffee table. The wound was cleaned with chlorhexidine and irrigated with approximately 200cc NS. You request ___________ to use for anesthetization of the wound area and ______________(size/Kind) suture. What do you advise the parents regarding the child’s tetanus? (2 points)
3. A 48 year old construction worker presents with a 4 cm scalp laceration. He was at work and
4. tripped, hitting the top of his head against a metal beam. There was No loss of consciousness. (LOC) . His last tetanus was in 2001. What is your treatment plan? (2 points)
5. The needle driver should hold the needle at about __________of the way from the tip of the needle to the start of the suture. (1 point)
6. Mom presents with her 3 year old child with a superficial 1.5 cm laceration to her forehead. Mom states the child fell and hit her head on the coffee table. No LOC. Mom states the child has been her usual self since the accident. She had juice and a cookie on the way to your office. She is now actively attempting to assist you with your EMR charting and asking to watch Finding Dory! What is your treatment plan? (2 points)
7. A 55 year old male patient presents with laceration to 3rd and 4th digit of right hand from table saw. On exam you note a white band on the palmer side of the 4th digit. Patient states he cannot flex his 4th digit. How would you care for this patient? (2 points)
8. Dermabond is the best option for an eye lid laceration. True or False  (1 point)
9. You have closed a 3cm wound on a 18 year old male patient’s leg with 4.0 ethilon. The wound required 6 sutures. What follow up care would you give the patient? (2 points)
10. A 33 year old female patient presents with large 4 cm abscess to left buttock. She states she has a history of multiple abscess and has to have them cut open. She has no prescription insurance. Allergies: PCN, Keflex. You request #___ blade and ______________ for anesthetizing the area. After incision and drainage, the wound is__________________ and a dressing applied. You e-scribe a prescription to the pharmacy for_________________________. (4 points)
11. What would you use to repair the following lacerations:
a. Specify size of suture if using sutures.
b. What day should suture be removed
c. Example: Chin laceration: 6.0 ethilon, sutures out in 5-7 days
d. (5 points, 1 point)
• 2 cm to cheek
• 4 cm to left thigh, 3 cm deep
• 1.5 cm to dorsal aspect of hand
• Scalp laceration 3 cm
• 2.5 cm flap to elbow
11. List 5 places where Lidocaine with epinephrine cannot be used. (2 points)
12. What is the rational for irrigation? (2 points)
13. 28 year old patient presents with an abscess, history of MRSA and allergy to Sulfa? What are 2 other antibiotics you could prescribe, include dose and length of therapy. (2points)