
Answered step-by-step
Asked by nicholeg0618

In 2007, news outlets reported on toothpaste manufactured in China that was sold to bargain retail stores in the United States that was being recalled due to the ingredient diethylene glycol, which is an ingredient found in antifreeze. Chinese toothpaste accounts for less than 1% of toothpaste sold in the United States and officials were unable to estimate how many tubes of tainted toothpaste made it to US retailers. Upon learning about this story, you became very interested in the effects of globalization on health care policy and joined local grassroots campaigns aimed at safety standards for products coming into the US from other countries. Due to your work with these local campaigns, you have been asked to present to a group of masters students at the local university on the impact of globalization on healthcare, with a focus on broad to local impacts.



Globalization encompasses the movement of goods, services, and people across borders. It includes impacts on finance, trade, and communications and underscores the increasingly interconnected world in which we live.


Provide information that includes the topics below:


Choose a good or product, such as genetically modified foods, medical equipment, or manufacture of prescription drugs, which is globally traded and discuss the health and policy impacts of the movement of that product on countries that are importing that good. Focus on differences in production standards and access for the population.
Choose a service, for example, health care tourism or telehealth, which is being globally marketed and discuss the impacts of that service on the countries or people that are seeking that service across borders. Focus on the differences in standards and access for the population.
Choose an issue related to the movement of people across borders and discuss the impact on both the country of origin and the receiving country as it relates to health policy. Potential issues include the spread of communicable diseases, cultural practices, and access to health services as an immigrant population.
Choose one of the areas that you discussed above (products, services, or people) and explore the impact that issue has on the health of the United States. Discuss one health policy that is being explored at the federal level to address that issue. What are the impacts of that policy?
Choose one of the areas that you discussed above (products, services, or people) and explore the impact that issue has on one state within the United States. Discuss one health policy that is being explored within that state to address that issue. What are the impacts of that policy?


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