Answered step-by-step
Asked by MegaAlpaca2894
When I was in my mid-30s I realized that I was becoming abnormally exhausted. I had four children and had recently acquired two stepchildren that lived with us fulltime. I chalked my exhaustion up to the demands of childrearing and running my own business as a piano instructor. When I found myself falling asleep sitting up while teaching, I realized that something wasn’t right.Â
At the same time, I had started to lose hair in a patch on the right side of my head. That was more upsetting to me than the exhaustion and I saw my dermatologist. He could not figure out what was wrong so sent me to the Mayo Clinic. I underwent a biopsy of my scalp and labs were drawn. Labs showed that I was severely hypothyroid. Along with nearly every female in my family, I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
What might be some other physical signs of hypothyroidism?
NURS 6050