

Answered step-by-step
Asked by Renee2400

Allie, age 29, had been working in the typing pool of a large corporation for 6 years. Her immediate supervisor recently retired. Alice was promoted to a supervisor role, leading a team of 20 people who used to be her peers. Allie was flattered by the promotion but anxious about the additional responsibility of the position.


Shortly after the promotion, she overheard two of her former coworkers saying, “Why in the world did they choose her? She’s not the best one for the job. I know I certainly won’t be able to respect her as a boss!” Hearing these comments added to Allie’s anxiety and self-doubt.

Shortly after Allie began her new duties, her friends and coworkers noticed a change. She had a great deal of energy and worked long hours on her job. She began to speak very loudly and rapidly. Her roommate noticed that Allie slept very little yet seldom appeared tired. Every night, she would go out to bars and dances. Sometimes she brought men she had just met home to the apartment, something she had never done before. She bought lots of clothes and makeup and had her hair restyled in a more youthful look. She failed to pay her share of the rent and bills but came home with a brand new convertible. She lost her temper and screamed at her roommate, “Mind your own business!” when asked to pay her share.

Due to ongoing concerns and her spiraling negative behaviors, Allie was eventually hospitalized.


Use the details of Allie’s scenario to answer the following questions.
Allie was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder. What evidence can you identify within her story that lead to this diagnosis?
Develop three short-term goals for Allie, with at least three nursing interventions for each goal. How would you as her nurse evaluate these goals?
Should Allie be in restraints? Why or why not?
Allie’s physician ordered a lithium level drawn after 4 to 6 days. With this, what symptoms should you be on alert for as her nurse? Include a discussion on the contraindications for lithium therapy.
Her physician order olanzapine in addition to the lithium carbonate. Why do you think this was done?
Once Allie is ready for discharge, what teaching points would you discuss with her?
NUR 327


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