
Asked by Imoh123

1. What are the assessments of physical development when using the method of standards?
1 .harmonious
2 .good
3 . sufficient
4 . average
5 .bad


2. How to evaluate the Martine-Kushelevsky test with pronounced tachycardia (more than
100%), an increase in systolic blood pressure by 60 mm. Hg., diastolic – by 20 mm. Hg?
3. hypertensive
4. dystonic


3. What methods can be used to assess physical development?
1. somatoscopy method
2. electrocardiography method
3. spirography method
4.standard method
5. general blood count


4. Who is allowed to participate in the cross-country race for 5 km after 1 month of
therapeutic exercise?
1. physical sportsman of the main group
2. to the sportsman of the special group
3. the sportsman of the preparatory group


5. What is the physical activity density physiological when engaged in therapeutic exercise
in the main medical group?


6. Which medical group is necessary to send for therapeutic exercise of a person who had
viral hepatitis 6 months ago?
1. into the main
2. On therapeutic exercise
3. to a special
4. preparatory

7. What do regular sports in childhood and adolescence give?
1 . acceleration of skeletal growth
2 .Prevention of posture
3 .harmonic physical development
* 4.proportional muscle formation
5. mitigation of the development of age-related changes

8. What positive health result can be noted after several months of regular sport exercise?
1. complaints disappear
2.improved sleep
3. improves performance
4. lowers blood pressure
5. increases body weight

9. Which of the following functional studies in sports are most prevalent?
1. Respiratory system examination
2. allocation
3. nervous system
5. anthropometry

10. What types of loads are used in the practice of sports medicine?
1. squats

2. pedaling
3. run
4. changing the position of the body in space
5. fight

11. What are the maximum load tests?
1. continuously increasing power
2. alternatingly rising
3. weight lifting
4. gradually increasing power
5. collision of a heavy object

12. What is shown to stop the load during the test?
1. paleness
2. cyanosis
3. tachycardia
4. shortness of breath
5. vertigo
6. AII of the above

13. Through what mechanisms is the stimulating effect of therapeutic exercise on the body?
2. humoral.
4. nervous.

14. Which exercises are the main means of therapeutic exercise?
1 .physical.
2 . Ideomotor.
3 .mechanotherapeutic.
4 . Applied.

15. How are muscle contractions divided by nature?
1. fixed.
2. dynamic.
3. involuntary.

16. What is the main form of therapeutic exercise?
1 . morning exercises.
2 .therapeutic gymnastics.
3 . health running.
4 .game lesson.

17. How many periods in therapeutic exercise?
2. two.
5.all of the above

18. What principles underlie the construction of private methods of therapeutic exercise?
1 .nosology.
2 .pathogenesis and clinic.
4. anatomy.

19. What is the name remedies of therapeutic exercise?
1. physical exercises.
2. solar and air baths.
3. therapeutic massage.
4. labor therapy.

20. What are the forms of therapeutic exercise?
1. therapeutic gymnastics.
2. Hygienic gymnastics.

3.individual tasks for independent studies.
4. underwater traction of the spine.
5.all of the above

21. What methods of physical exercises are using in therapeutic exercises are there?
5. all of the above

22. What are the types of occupational therapy?
1. general strengthening.
2. recovering.
5. all of the above

23. Indications for the appointment of therapeutic exercise for angina pectoris.
1.satisfactory condition.
2. regulation of attacks.
3. Complete cessation of seizures.
4. tachycardia over 100 beats per minute.

24. Indications for the appointment of therapeutic exercise for angina pectoris?
1.satisfactory condition.
2. extrasystole over 1:10.
3. recurrence of attacks.
4. Completely stop of attacks.

25. What week for acute myocardial infarction (small focal) is prescribed therapeutic
3. third.

26. When is therapeutic exercise prescribed for large focal myocardial infarction
(uncomplicated course)?
1 . The first week of the disease.
2 . The second week of the disease.
3 .a month later.
4 .after 1.5 months.

27. Is therapeutic exercise contraindicated in cardiovascular failure stage 2. l.yes.
2. no.
З.сап be prescribed after effective medication.

28. What links of the cardiovascular system does therapeutic exercise influence?
1. cardiac factor.
2. vascular factor.
3. tissue factor.
4. extracardiac factors.
5. On all of the above factors.

29. In what cases therapeutic exercise can be appointed?
1. Atrial or paroxysmal tachocardia.
2. Negative ECG dynamics.
3. BP over 220/120 mm. Hg..
4. BP less than 90/50 mm. Hg..
5. sinus arrhythmia.
6. H1- antihistamin.
7. atrioventricular block 2 – 3 stage.

30. What are physical exercises positively affect for blood circulation?
l.dynamic (for limbs).
3. respiratory.
4. On the coordination of movements.


31. What are the contraindications for the appointment of therapeutic exercise for coronary
heart disease?
1. take Ð’ – blockers drug.
2. unstable angina pectoris.
3. heart failure above 1 degree.
4. Aneurysm of the heart.

32. In what cases in acute pneumonia the therapeutic exercise is contraindicated?
1. severe intoxication, high fever.
2. Respiratory failure 3 degrees.
3. tachycardia more than 100 beats in 1 min.
4.1,2,3 not correct

33. What remedy and forms of therapeutic exercise are used in the rehabilitation of
patients with acute pneumonia with half-bed mode at the stationary stage of rehabilitation?
1 . morning hygienic gymnastics.
2 .therapeutic gymnastics.
3 .dosed walking.
4 . Postural drainage.
5 . massage.
6 .all of the above

34. What are the contraindications for the appointment of therapeutic exercise for
bronchiectatic disease?
1. pulmonary hemorrhage.
2. severe cardiovascular failure.
3. Single streaks of blood in the sputum.
4.subfebrile temperature.
5.all of the above

35. In case of complication of trauma of the abdominal cavity by fecal fistulas the
therapeutic exercise is:
1. shown.
2.not shown.

36. When can prescribe therapeutic exercise for thrombophlebitis of deep veins?
1. from 1 – 2 days in the presence of a pressure bandage.
2. from 3 to 4 days in the presence of a pressure bandage.
3. from 5 to 7 days.
4. from 10 – 14 days.

37. Criteria for the appointment of from for thrombophlebitis.
1. Reducing leg pain.
2. Complete cessation of leg pain.
3. Normalization of body temperature.
4. Reduction of ESR and leukocytosis.
5. all of the above

38. Tasks of therapeutic exercise in the preoperative period during lung operations:
l.activation of reserve capabilities of the external respiration apparatus.
2. Improving ventilation.
3.increase diaphragm mobility.
4. Prevention of phlebothrombosis.
5.increase the strength of the respiratory muscles.

39. What forms of therapeutic exercise are indicated for patients in the preoperative period
with lung diseases?
1. therapeutic gymnastics.
2.individual task for self-fulfillment.
3 . morning hygienic gymnastics.
4 .dosed walking.
5 .hydrokinesitherapy.

40. Tasks of exercise therapy in the early postoperative period with lung diseases:
1 . Prevention of phlebothrombosis.

2 .prevention of pulmonary complications.
3 . Strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, trunk.
4 .prevention of stiffness in the shoulder joint I on the side of the operation /.
5 .all of the above

41.The Contraindications to the appointment of therapeutic exercise in the early
postoperative period for lung diseases:
1. internal bleeding.
2. bronchial fistula.
3.spontaneous pneumothorax.
4. respiratory failure 2 tbsp.
5.subfebrile temperature.

42. What exercises are indicated for patients in the early postoperative period with
lobectomy /on the 3 days /?
l.static respiratory.
2. dynamic respiratory.
3. Respiratory exercises with resistance.
4. exercises with gymnastic objects.

43. What forms of therapeutic exercise are indicated for patients after segmentectomy on
the 3rd day after surgery?
1. therapeutic gymnastics.
2.individual task for self-fulfillment.
3.dosed walking.

44. Tasks of with lobectomy in the late postoperative period with lung operations:
1. restoration of correct posture and full range of motion
in the shoulder joint on the operated side.
2. restoration of walking skills and adaptation to domestic loads.
3. Strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, trunk and limbs.
4. adaptation to physical activity of a professional nature.

45. What forms with lobectomy are indicated for patients in the long-term postoperative
period after lobectomy?
1 . morning hygienic gymnastics.
2 .therapeutic gymnastics.
3 .dosed walking.
4 . terrenkur.
5 .hydrokinesitherapy.

46. When is a patient with a fracture of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae allowed to sit?
1. By the end of 2 months.
2. By the end of 3 months.
3. after 4 months.

47. Tasks of therapeutic exercise for fractures during the period of immobilization:
1.improving the functions of the vascular, respiratory systems and digestive tract.
2. Restoring the function of a damaged limb.
3. Strengthening blood and lymph circulation in the area of damage.
4. training of the vestibular apparatus.

48. Contraindications to the appointment of therapeutic exercise for fractures:
1. The risk of bleeding.
2. the presence of foreign bodies located near large vessels and nerves.
3. flatulence.
4. severe pain syndrome.
5. Body temperature 37.2 C.

49. Contraindications for the appointment of massage in the period of immobilization during
1. tuberculosis of bones in the active stage.
2. thrombophlebitis.
3. purulent processes in the tissues.
4. muscle hypertonicity.

50. What forms of exercise therapy are indicated for patients with fractures in the post-

immobilization period?
1. therapeutic gymnastics.
2.individual task for self-fulfillment.
3 . therapeutic swimming.
4 .mechanotherapy.
5 – all of the above

51. In case of injury to the elbow joint during the period of absolute immobilization, what
exercises are indicated?
1. Ideomotor.
2. Active exercises for the shoulder joint and fingers.
3. passive exercises.
4. weighted exercises.

52. What area massage is used for fractures in patients, skeletal traction?
1. healthy limbs.
2. sparing massage of the area of the fracture.
3. On the damaged limb extra focal massage.
4. massage of the reflexogenic zone.

53. What forms of therapetic exercise are indicated for patients with fractures during the
period of immobilization?
1. Hygienic gymnastics.
2.therapeutic gymnastics.
3.individual task for self-fulfillment.
6.all of the above

54. What types of sports exercises can be used in the recovery period in patients with
1. running
2. Badminton.
3. basketball.
4. jumping.

55. Tasks of the 1st period of therapeutic gymnastic for compression fracture of the bodies
of the thoracic vertebrae:
l.improvement of the cardiovascular system.
2. prevention of muscle strength and endurance.
3.creating a muscle corset.
4.improving the activity of the respiratory system and digestive tract.
5.improvement of blood circulation in the area of damage.

56. During what period of the disease can recommend exercise on mechanotherapeutic
devices, with arthrosis of the knee joint?
1. acute.
2. subacute.
3. remission.

57. What procedures should precede therapeutic gymnastic with flat feet?
1 .Massage of the feet.
2 . bandage correction

.58. What forms of therapetic exercises are indicated with osteochondrosis of the cervical
spine in the acute period of the disease?
l.for relaxation.
2.for small and medium muscle groups.
3. isometric tension of the neck muscles.

59. What forms of exercise therapy are indicated for patients with osteochondrosis of the
cervical spine in the subacute period of the disease?
1. therapeutic gymnastics.
2.individual task for self-fulfillment.
* 5. Hygienic gymnastics.


60. How to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the
vertebral column? determination of range of motion.
2. Determination of speed.
3. Definition of coordination of movements.
4. determination of muscle strength.

61. What forms of therapeutic exercise are indicated for patients with osteochondrosis of the
vertebral column in the period of remission?
1. therapeutic gymnastics.
2. hyd rokinesithera py.
3. terrencur.
4. skiing.

62. What kind of muscles are paid attention to during the selection of exercises for scoliotic
1. The oblique muscles of the abdomen.
2.long back muscles.
3. The iumbosore iliac muscle.
4. buttock muscles.

63. List the special exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint in remission:
1. swing movements.
2. exercises on shells.
3. resistance exercises.
4.isometric exercises.

64. What types of massage are indicated for patients with osteochondrosis of the vertibral
in the period of remission?
l.classical massage.
2. can massage.
3. Underwater massage shower.
4. vibrating.

65. When conducting active exercises at the beginning of the therapeutic exercise course
what should be avoided in stroke patients?
1. synkinesia.
2. fatigue of paralyzed muscles.
3. breathing exercises.

66. Is it possible to use massage in patients with stroke with
high blood pressure?.
1. yes.
2. no.

67. When is massage prescribed for muscle contractures?
1 .before medical gymnastics.
2 . After medical gymnastics.

68. Terms appointment of therapeutic exercise therapy in patient of neuritis of the facial
1 .from the first days of the disease.
2 .from the end of the first week of the disease.
3 . from 2-3 weeks of illness.
4 . from 4-5 weeks of illness.

69. An adhesive plaster bandage is applied with facial neuritis.
a nerve?
l.on the opposite side of the muscle pull of the healthy side.
2. in the direction of muscle pull of the healthy side.

70. What exercises are not used in the acute period of neuritis facial nerve?
1. to relax the muscles of the healthy side.
2. lip sound gymnastics.
3. active exercises on the muscles of the sore side.
4. Ideomotor exercises.
5. passive exercises.


71. With facial neuritis, the choice of exercises is mainly
1. Ideomotor.
2. active.
3. passive exercises.

72. If the function of mimic facial muscles is not fully restored?
1. facial expressions of a healthy half of the mimic face are limited.
2. The maximum function of the mimic facial muscles of the sick side is used.

73. When contracture of mimic facial muscles is canceled?
1. healing position.
2. therapeutic gymnastics.
3. therapeutic massage.
4. adhesive bandage.
5. all of the above.

74. In the acute period of osteochondrosis of the vertebral is not used?
1. self-traction.
2. physical relaxation exercises.
3. breathing exercises.
4. dynamic exercises on the spine.

75. In the subacute period of osteochondrosis of the spine with pain syndrome:
1. No movement in the spine.
2. Passive movements in the spine are permitted.
3. Active movement in the spine is permitted.

76. What are the indications for therapeutic exercise in chronic adnexitis.
1. marked exacerbation of the process.
2. Residual effects of the inflammatory process.
3. decreased functional state of the cardiorespiratory system.

77. What remedies and forms of therapeutic exercise are indicated for chronic adnexitis on
an outpatient basis?
1. morning hygienic gymnastics.
2. therapeutic gymnastics.
3. dosed walking.
4. tempering events.
5. All answers are correct.

78. List the indications for therapeutic exercise for uterine retroflexion
1. high febrile temperature.
2. uterine growth.
3. omission of the uterus and vagina.
4. Acquired forms of retroflection, not burdened inflammatory process.

79. What are the remedies and forms of therapeutic exercise, used primarily for uterine
1 .mechanotherapy.
2 .natural factors.
3 .therapeutic gymnastics.
4 . gynecological massage.

80. What measures should be taken by a patient with uterine deviation before starting
therapeutic exercise and massage.?
1. hygiene measures
2. emptying the bladder and rectum.
3. physiotherapeutic procedures.

81. What special exercises are applied when the fetus is in the wrong position?
1. diaphragmatic breathing.
2. Standing, tilting with simultaneous half-turn of the body towards the fetal position.
3. Stand on all fours, bend your back in the lumbar, raise your head and pelvis.
4. Lying on its side with a raised leg end, bring the leg bent at the knee with your hands to the chest.
5. all the above .



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