Answered step-by-step
Asked by abdulwahid01780
What does PWID stand for?
What does MSM stand for?
Worldwide, what is the #1 risk factor for HIV acquisition?
Is the incidence of HIV in the world increasing or decreasing?
Is the prevalence of HIV in the world increasing or decreasing?
Which continent has the highest prevalence of PLWH?
What proportion of people in the US are unaware of their HIV diagnosis?
One reason that HIV is spread more easily in the MSM population is that ________ sex is a relatively high-risk sexual activity.
Which age group has the highest incidence of HIV in the US?
Which racial group carries the highest burden of HIV incidence in the US?
Name one example of the social determinants of health.
How many new diagnoses of HIV were there in Philadelphia in 2018?
What are the two main routes of transmission of HIV in the US today?
Name a high-risk group that should be tested for HIV at least annually.
What is Sam Albanesi’s favorite movie?
What does PrEP stand for?
Name an indication for PrEP.
What is the percentage risk of mother to child transmission of HIV?
In the US, HIV positive mothers should or should not breast feed their baby?
What does U=U stand for?