Answered step-by-step
Asked by vnssila
Please use the concept map attached to plan care for Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson is a 38-year-old African American that presents with an altered level of consciousness (ALOC). He has been having headaches for the last three months but due to a hectic work schedule he has not been able to go to see his medical practitioner. During his last visit two years ago, his blood pressure was slightly elevated, but he never followed up. Upon arrival to the ED a CT scan is completed and it shows a large bleed near the frontal lobe. What should Mr. Jackson’s plan of care include?
ProficientORGANIZATIONPoints:0.33Â (4.71428%)
Disorganized or illogical format. Examples may or may not be linked or connected
Points:0.67Â (9.57142%)
Minimally organized, logical format. Examples may not be clearly linked or connected
Points:1Â (14.28571%)
Well organized, logical format that provides examples that are clearly linked or connected
CONTENT & MECHANICSPoints:0.33Â (4.71428%)
Minimal number of concepts. Current & applicable information; demonstrates marginal conceptual understanding. Information may not be clearly presented & flow through assignment. Errors in spelling, grammar and/or citations
Points:0.67Â (9.57142%)
Partial number of concepts. Current & applicable information; demonstrates acceptable conceptual understanding. Information clearly presented & flows through assignment. Errors in spelling, grammar and/or citations
Points:1Â (14.28571%)
Contains appropriate number of concepts. Current & applicable information; demonstrates superior conceptual understanding. Information clearly presented & flows through assignment. Correct spelling, grammar & citations
PATHOPHYSIOLOGYPoints:0.33Â (4.71428%)
Concept map detail does not show pathophysiology for pertinent disease process/processes. Excludes more than one disease if related
Points:0.67Â (9.57142%)
Concept map shows limited pathophysiology for pertinent disease process/processes. May overlook more than one disease if related (ex: renal failure secondary to HTN)
Points:1Â (14.28571%)
Concept map detail must show pathophysiology for pertinent disease process/processes. May include more than one disease if related (ex: renal failure secondary to HTN)
Subjective & objective data not included
Points:0.67Â (9.57142%)
Subjective & objective data partially included
Points:1Â (14.28571%)
Subjective & objective data included
NURSING DIAGNOSISPoints:0.33Â (4.71428%)
Absence of NANDA diagnosis, or does not include ‘related to’ and ‘evidenced by’
Points:0.67Â (9.57142%)
Less than two NANDA diagnosis or may not include ‘related to’ and ‘evidenced by’
Points:1Â (14.28571%)
Two NANDA diagnosis, including ‘related to’ and ‘evidenced by’
NURSING INTERVENTIONSPoints:0.33Â (4.71428%)
Less than 2 nursing interventions for each diagnosis
Points:0.67Â (9.57142%)
Less than 4 but more than 2 nursing interventions for each diagnosis
Points:1Â (14.28571%)
At least 4 nursing interventions for each diagnosis
GOALSPoints:0.33Â (4.71428%)
Less than one per nursing diagnosis. Not formatted as SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable/agreeable, realistic, time-based)
Points:0.67Â (9.57142%)
Less than one per nursing diagnosis. Format as SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable/agreeable, realistic, time-based)
Points:1Â (14.28571%)
One per nursing diagnosis. Format as SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable/agreeable, realistic, time-based)
Image transcription text
Student’s Name Rasmussen NPR Concept Plan Possible Medications Clinical Manifestations Date Possible Nursing
Diagnosis Subjective: Objective: Pathophysiology Nursing Interventions Medical Diagnosis Patient Data/Risk
Factors Medical Interventions Diagnostic Data Patient Education [Type text] 0413