
Answered step-by-step
Asked by JudgeSummerPenguin7

In community health nursing it is important to identify patterns of our clients and their families. These patterns can be regular, smooth and supportive or irregular, chaotic, but perhaps life changing.

Read the entire story this week again from more than one viewpoint. 


List one of the following patterns: community Critique and debate. 


Melanie is a Registered Nurse employed in a community agency in a medium sized city in Northern Ontario. The agency she works with provides care for those who suffer with addictions and mental health issues. She is part of a multidisciplinary team that includes a social worker, a community developer, a physician and several outreach and harm reduction workers. Her agency has one of two needle exchange (NEX) programs in her community. Funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOH), they have now received a new mandate to distribute naloxone to opioid users in the community. This is in response to a provincial surge in opioid induced overdose. Melanie is well aware of the increase in overdoses in her community both fatal and near misses. She is concerned for many of her clients and wonders how she can engage this population in naloxone training and use. Many of her clients worry they will face arrest if they give naloxone and stay for emergency staff to arrive.

Melanie and her colleagues at the agency have now held several presentations for community partners including several shelters, soup kitchens, police, emergency services and local doctors. While many are excited about the prospect of having such a life saving tool available to the opioid-using community, many have questions including how police will have to react when attending an overdose where there are illicit drugs found to the fear naloxone will only allow drug users to use more drugs knowing a life ring is available.Several months have passed and naloxone kits are being distributed through NEX and through outreach. One of Melanie’s long-term clients presents at NEX upset about two OD’s last night in the rooming house he lives in. He states there is a new drug circulating in town which is a combination of Gravol, Carfentanil and heroin. He worries about the people in his rooming house and his friends elsewhere. He asks Melanie what can be done to train those who do not wish to present to NEX. He asks if there is any way he could train his friends. 



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