Answered step-by-step
Asked by AgentThunder10591
Patient and carer quotes :
A. ‘Hello again, I’m really feeling much better and not sure that I need to be here taking up your time, I hardly notice the pain now.’
B. ‘I’m not sleeping well at all, I keep going over what’s happened, I can’t take it in, the pain is a bit worse but I’m sure that it’s me thinking about it all the time. My husband keeps telling me to relax and not think about it.’
C. ‘I am so angry, I should have been here last week but the appointment card didn’t arrive until the day after I was due to be here. More time wasted before I get this thing sorted and I can get back to normal.’
Identify cues in the three patient and carer quotes, and explain how you noticed these cues. Discuss which cue you noticed first, which are physical and symptom cues, and which may lead you to psychological concerns or a deeper understanding of feelings.